The preservation of the planet, as well as that of people, must be a constant point of reference for our actions and decisions. Indeed, we embrace the term sustainability in its many areas of application: the environmental, the economic and the social. The greatest challenge is therefore to integrate sustainability into business processes, defining goals and behaviors that can align with operational and economic/financial ones.
We produce melamine-faced structures and doors consisting of ecological panels produced by FSC® certified suppliers who use pre and post-consumer wood, which is given a second life thanks to a self-perpetuating circular economy, without impacting our existing forests.
We design products with a longer life cycle to reduce waste and offer high quality standards.
We have optimised all movement within the company to minimise the waste of energy resources and the production of CO2.
We only use boxes made of recycled paper, gradually reducing the use of plastic to completely replace it with eco-friendly materials.
We chose 100% natural materials with an excellent performance from innovative processes such as sintering technology which allows ceramic stone to be created without using adhesives or polluting substances.
We constantly monitor overall consumption and define systemic improvement actions to optimise our energy impact.
We use glass and aluminium, which can be recycled over and over again to produce hard-wearing products with a high visual impact, as well as PET for safe surfaces which do not emit any harmful substances during the production cycle and when used.
UNI EN ISO 14001
We have certified our environmental management system in compliance with UNI EN ISO 14001 standards.
We organise shipments by optimising spaces and delivery routes to reduce CO2 emissions on the planet.
We have eliminated the use of plastic in our offices and production by installing water dispensers and recycling all the waste which we produce with our industrial activities.
We are always on the lookout for unique materials and raw materials that allow us to offer the market high-quality products with a signature design.
We reduce building material waste by optimising spaces with our furnishing solutions that adapt to different styles of architecture thanks to their wide- ranging modularity and customisation options.
The management of production waste from wood processing places Colombini S.p.A. at the forefront of a circular economy logic through two main drivers.
- The decrease in absolute terms of waste per hour processed.
- The recycling of 99.98% of processing waste and the exclusive use of recycled chipboard
La gestione degli scarti di produzione derivanti dalla lavorazione del legno pone Colombini S.p.A. all’avanguardia in una logica di economia circolare attraverso due principali driver.
- La diminuzione in termini assoluti dei rifiuti per ora lavorata
- Il riciclo del 99,98% degli scarti di lavorazione e l’utilizzo esclusivo di pannello truciolare riciclato
Furniture Pact
Furniture Pact is a collective initiative of the Italian furniture supply chain, whose members promote common sustainability goals by involving the entire value chain. Guided by the rigorous methodology of SDA Bocconi’s Sustainability Lab and shared expertise, Furniture Pact signatories have made ambitious but concrete commitments to reduce their impact on the environment and on people, aiming to combat the climate crisis through emissions reduction and energy efficiency, circularity and the empowerment of individuals and communities.
“Colombini Group is among the founding members of the furniture pact.”
To receive more information on how to become a Furniture Pact member,